Travel Management
Travel Management
SAP Travel Management is an integrated solution to handle employees trips in an organization. It provides integrated functions such as trip planning,trip creation, trip approval ,trip settlement , settlement of travel expenses & expense reimbursement etc.
SAP Travel Management is integrated with two important SAP module Financials (SAP FICO) and SAP Human Capital Management (SAP HCM).
Travel Management has three main sections
1.Travel Request
2.Travel Planning
3.Travel Expenses
HR Master Data for Travel Planning
Create/Hire an employee in an organisation for the travel management. The employee related master data is stored in infotypes.
Transaction Code to hire an employee is PA40.
Following are important infotyes in Travel Management
Mandatory Infotypes
Infotype Infotype Name
0001 Organizational assignment
0002 Personal data
0017 Travel Privileges
0006 Addresses
Optional Infotypes
Infotype Infotype Name
0009 Bank details
0027 Cost Distribution
0471 Flight preference
0472 Hotel preference
0473 Car rental preference
0475 Customer program
0470 Travel profile
0105 Communication
0208 Work Tax area
0315 Time Sheet Defaults
Travel Management Process Flow
1. Travel Request
Business needs to a trip for meeting/discussion/presentation/auditing etc.Raise a travel request ,
which requires approval by manager. The manager can approve the request, send it back for
corrections or reject it.
2. Travel Planning
After a travel request has been approved by manager, the traveler decide on flight ,car, hotel etc .
3. Book a trip
Create a trip using PR05 transaction from SAP or any other mobile applications or desktop
4. Travel Settlement
The system settles the trips.
5. Travel Expenses
After the trip is over, the traveler completes and submit all necessary data and documents such as
trip receipts for accommodation, meals, air fare
Approve & release for settlement
Reimbursement of trips by check, bank transfer, payroll processing .
Vendor Master data for Travel Management
Create vendor master data for the employee through XK01.
Vendor account is required in FI for an employee to receive business trip costs. The interface between HR & FI enables you to transfer HR master data to the FI system. After the HR data has been transferred to FI , a program runs in the FI system that creates HR data to create the vendor accounts. Once vendor accounts have been created, the FI system can pay the trip expenses to the employee.
Link between personnel number and Vendor master.
There is a standard program under Travel Management to create vendor for a personnel number. T code is PRAA.
RPRAPA00 is a program to update HR master data vendor to process payment and update detail in FI Module.
Vendor creation via PRAA
When create vendors through PRAA, it automatically links the employee to the vendor master & create a vendor for each employee.
PR00 - Travel expenses
PR10 - Create trip number range
PR05 - Travel Expense Manager
TRIP - Travel Manager
PREC - Travel Expenses Accounting Program
PR02 - Travel Calendar
TP04 - Travel Request
PRTA - Overview of Travel Expense Reports
PRRW - Post Accounting Data FI
PRFI - Posting to Financial Accounting
PRAP - Approval of Trips
PRAA -Create Vendors
PRTE -Trip details
PRTC - Display Imported Documents
PRRL - Reset Trips to 'To be Accounted'
PTRV_PAYMENT_HISTORY - Determine FI Payment Date
S_AHR_61016401 - General Trip Data
S_AHR_61016402 - Trip Receipts
S_AHR_61016403 - Trip Receipts Without General Trip Data
S_AHR_61016404 - Cost Assignment for Trip
S_AHR_61018613 - Cost Assignment for Trip Without General Data
S_AHR_61016405 - Trip Data/Totals/Receipts/Costs
Tables in Travel Management
PTRV_ADMIN Travel Management: Administrative Data
PTRV_APPL_KEY Application
PTRV_APPL_KEY_TX Application text
PTRV_ARCH_HEAD Prearchiving FI-TV: Entries from PTRV_HEAD
PTRV_ARCH_PERIO Prearchiving FI-TV: Entries from PTRV_PERI
PTRV_ARCHIVE Administrative Table for Archived Trip Dat
PTRV_CCC Error Receipts for Credit Card Clearing
PTRV_CCC_RUNS Assign Personnel Number to Credit Card Cle
PTRV_COMM_AMT Detail Data: Transfer to FM When Trip Save
PTRV_COMM_ITM Header Data: Transfer to FM When Trip Save
PTRV_COMP Comparison Calculation Results PS
PTRV_COUNT Number of function calls in posting run ma
PTRV_DOC_HD Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Header of TRV in
PTRV_DOC_IT Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Lines of TRV int
PTRV_DOC_MESS Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: CO Replacements
PTRV_F_COLDEPS Display Formats for Texts
PTRV_F_FBLK Form Blocks of the Trip Costs Form
PTRV_F_FBLK_TXT Form Blocks of the Trip Costs Form
PTRV_F_SORTKEY Sort Key for Individual Receipt Block
PTRV_F_SORTKEY_T Sort Key for Individual Receipt Block
PTRV_HEAD General Trip Data
PTRV_KMSUM Table for Use of Miles/Kms Accumulation
PTRV_ME_CCC_RUN Assign Personnel Number to Credit Card
PTRV_OFFLINE_TXT Texts for Download to Offline Creation
PTRV_PERIO Period Data of a Trip
PTRV_PERNRPREFS Personalization at Employee Level
PTRV_REASGN_FM Conversion of FM Data in Trip
PTRV_REDUCTION Decision Fields: Change of Statutory Tr
PTRV_ROT_AWKEY Assignment of Trip Results to Posting D
PTRV_RPRPOSTD Log of Posting Program RPRPOST
PTRV_SADD Trip Statistics - Add. Receipt Data
PTRV_SCOS Trip Statistics - Cost Assignment
PTRV_SHDR Trip Statistics - Trip Amounts
PTRV_SREC Trip Statistics - Receipts
PTRV_SUBSTITUTE ESA Fast Track - Expense Reporter Substitute
PTRV_T706Z_DNPR Field Control Screens
PTRV_T706Z_DNPRT Field Control Screens
PTRV_T706Z_FLDS Field Names for Field Control
PTRV_TRIP_CHAIN Table of all Trip Destinations
PTRV_TRIP_DELETE Trips Deleted in SAP System for Offline
PTRV_USERPREFS User Profiles in Travel Management
PTRV_WAF_CONFLCT Offline Travel Management: Conflict Process
PTRV_WAF_FSEL Code Conversion: Screen Field Name
PTRV_WAF_RESTART Restart File for Mobile Solution with Over
PTRV_WAFGUID Logging for Synchronization GUID
PTRV_WAFLOG Log File for Inbound Container in Travel M
PTRV_WAFLOG_CC Offline Log File - Settings
FTPT_REQ_HEAD Framework Data of Travel Request
FTPT_REQUEST General Trip Data - Item Level Details
CSKS Cost center table
Sap Travel Management Configuration steps.
Master data for Travel Management
1.Hire Employee for Travel
Transaction Code :PA40
2.Create Vendor for Travel
IMG Menu --> Accounting--> Financial Accounting --> Vendors -->Master Records --> Central Maintenance -->Create
Transaction Code :XK01 or PRAA
A. General settings
3. Number Ranges for Trip Numbers
Define number ranges and number range intervals for assigning trip numbers.
IMG Menu -> Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Set Up Trip Number Range
4. Number Ranges for Posting Runs
The number ranges can be the interval from 0000000001 to 9999999999
IMG Menu -> Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Transfer to Accounting --> Set Up Number Ranges for Posting Runs
5. Number Ranges for Trip Transfer Documents
IMG Menu -> Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Transfer to Accounting --> Set Up Number Ranges for Trip Transfer Document
B. Travel Management Pre settings
6.Define/Delete/Restore Trip Provision Variants
Financial Accounting(New) -->Travel Management -->Travel Expenses -->Master Data -->Control Parameters for Travel Expenses -->Define/Delete/Restore Trip Provision Variants
C. Settings up feature TRVCT
Financial Accounting(New) -->Travel Management -->Travel Expenses -->Master Data -->Control Parameters for Travel Expenses -->Assign Organizational Areas to Trip Provision Variants via Feature TRVCT
D. Global Settings
7. Define Global Settings
IMG Menu -> Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Define Global Setting
E.Control Parameters from Travel Privileges
8.Define Statutory M/A Reimbursement Groups
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Travel Privileges --> Define Statutory M/A Reimbursement Groups
9.Define Enterprise-Specific M/A Reimbursement Groups
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Travel Privileges --> Define Enterprise-Specific M/A Reimbursement Groups
10.Define Employee Grouping for Travel Expense Types
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Travel Privileges --> Define Employee Grouping for Travel Expense Types
11.Define Employee Grouping for Travel Management
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Travel Privileges --> Define Employee Grouping for Travel Management
12.Define Vehicle Types
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Travel Privileges --> Define Vehicle Types
13.Define Reimbursement Groups for Travel Costs
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Travel Privileges --> Define Reimbursement Groups for Travel Costs
14.Define Vehicle Classes
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Travel Privileges --> Define Vehicle
F. Control Parameters from Trip Data
15.Define Trip Areas
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Trip Data --> Define Trip Areas
16.Define Statutory Trip Types
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Trip Data --> Define Statutory Trip Ty
17.Define Enterprise Specific Trip Types
IMG Menu --> Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Trip Data --> Define Enterprise Specific Trip Types
18.Define Trip Activity Type
IMG Menu - Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Trip Data --> Define Trip Activity Types
G. Travel Expense Types
19. Travel Expense Types for Individual Receipts
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Travel Expense Types --> Create Travel Expense Types for Individual Receipts
20. Define Posting of Paid Individual Receipts
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control --> Travel Expenses Control --> Define Posting of Paid Individual Receipts
21.Create Travel Expense Types for Per Diems/Flat Rates
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting--> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Travel Expense Types --> Create Travel Expense Types for Per Diems/Flat Rates
H. Trip Reimbursement Amounts
22.Define Flat Rates for Travel Costs
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Trip Reimbursement Amounts --> Reimbursement Amounts Travel Costs --> Define Flat Rates for Travel Costs
23.Define Period Parameters
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Trip Reimbursement Amounts --> Reimbursement Amounts Travel Costs --> Miles/Km Cumulation --> Define Period Parameters
24.Influence of Control Parameters: Accommodation
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Trip Reimbursement Amounts --> Reimbursement Amounts for Accommodations--> Define Influence of Control Parameters: Accommodation
25.Influence of Control Parameters: Meals
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Trip Reimbursement Amounts --> Reimbursement Amounts for Meals--> Define Influence of Control Parameters: Meals
26.Define Per Diems for Meals
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Trip Reimbursement Amounts --> Reimbursement Amounts for Meals--> Reimbursement Amounts for Meals/Hours --> Per Diems for Meals --> Define Per Diems for Meals
I.Dialog Control
27.Define Schema and Individual Field Control
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control --> Dialog Control --> Define Schema and Individual Field Control
28.Default Values for the Dialog
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control --> Dialog Control --> Store Default Values for Dialog
J.Control for Account Assignment Object via TRVCO
29.Set Up Field Control for Account Assignment Object via TRVCO
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control --> Dialog Control --> Set Up Field Control for Account Assignment Object via TRVCO
30.Variable Layout for Account Assignment Objects
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control ->Dialog Control --> Set Up Variable Layout for Account Assignment Objects
K.Travel Expense Control
31. Define Posting of Paid Individual Receipts
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control --> Travel Expenses Control --> Define Posting of Paid Individual Receipts
32.Travel Expenses Control
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control --> Travel Expenses Control --> Travel Expenses Control (Expert View)
L. Accounting/Assignment of Wage Types to Travel Expense Types
33. Assign Wage Types to Travel Expense Types for Indiv. Receipt
IMG Menu -->IMG Menu - Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Integration of Travel Management and Payroll --> Wage Types --> Assign Wage Types to Travel Expense Types for Indiv. Receipts
34.Assign Wage Types to Travel Expense Types for Per Diems/Flat Rates
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Integration of Travel Management and Payroll --> Wage Types --> Assign Wage Types to Travel Expense Types for Per Diems / Flat Rates
35.Assignment of Wage Type to Symbolic Account
IMG Menu - Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Integration of Travel Management and Payroll --> Wage Types --> Define Assignment of Wage Type to Symbolic Account
M.Transfer to Accounting
36. Conversion of Symbolic Account to Expense Account
IMG Menu - Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Transfer to Accounting --> Conversion of Symbolic Account to Expense Account
37. Assign Substitute Cost Center – (Infotype 0017)
IMG Menu - Payroll --> Payroll Germany --> Posting to Accounting --> Activities in AC System --> Assign Substitute Cost Centers
38. Activate Request/Plan/Expense Report in Travel Manager
IMG Menu - Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Integration of Travel Planning and Travel Expenses --> Settings for Travel Manager --> Activate Request/Plan/Expense Report in Travel Manager for web Dynprp
39. Deactivate Integration of Travel Planning - Travel Expenses
IMG Menu - Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Integration of Travel Planning and Travel Expenses --> Activate Integration: Travel Planning - Travel Expenses
Credit card process in SAP Travel Management
Credit card clearing process
Credit card clearing is a process for adding credit card receipts in trips and transferring to Travel Expense Accounting.
Three types of credit cards can be used:
1. Personal Corporate Credit Card with Employee Liability
2. Personal Corporate Credit Card with Corporate Liability
3. Corporate Credit Card with Corporate Liability
Prerequisites for Credit card clearing in Travel Management
Travel Management Customizing:
1. Activate characteristic Credit Card Clearing (CCC) for the relevant organizational unit in feature TRVPA.
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control--> Travel Expenses Control--> Set Up Feature TRVPA for Travel Expenses Parameters
Value of CCC should be set to 1.
2.Define Credit Card Companies
3.Define Assignment table for Credit Card Clearing
4.Settings for Specific File Formats of Credit Card Companies
HR Master Data
Maintain the credit card number of the employees credit card in Infotype 0105 (Communication), subtype 0011 (Credit card number).
Credit card process in SAP Travel Management
Credit card clearing process
Credit card clearing is a process for adding credit card receipts in trips and transferring to Travel Expense Accounting.
Three types of credit cards can be used:
1. Personal Corporate Credit Card with Employee Liability
2. Personal Corporate Credit Card with Corporate Liability
3. Corporate Credit Card with Corporate Liability
Prerequisites for Credit card clearing in Travel Management
Travel Management Customizing:
1. Activate characteristic Credit Card Clearing (CCC) for the relevant organizational unit in feature TRVPA.
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control--> Travel Expenses Control--> Set Up Feature TRVPA for Travel Expenses Parameters
Value of CCC should be set to 1.
2.Define Credit Card Companies
3.Define Assignment table for Credit Card Clearing
4.Settings for Specific File Formats of Credit Card Companies
HR Master Data
Maintain the credit card number of the employees credit card in Infotype 0105 (Communication), subtype 0011 (Credit card number).
Credit Card Transactions Process
Credit card transactions includes mainly two following process
Transfer of credit card transactions to Travel Management
Assignment of credit card transactions to a trip of an employee
Credit card file is provided by banks in a standard format accepted by SAP. The credit card company must provide the credit card files in one of the following formats:
· File format CCD
· File format MasterCard CDF 3 from MasterCard
· File format VISA VCF 4 from Visa
· File format AMEX GL1025 from American Express
Two credit card processing options are
1.Semi-automatic processing/standard processing
In standard processing, employee have to assign the credit card transactions to his/her trips manually and save the trip.
2.Automatic processing
In automatic processing, system assigns credit card transactions to trips and saves the trip.
Process variants in credit card clearing
Process variants in credit card clearing are as follows
Process variant 1: Settlement of credit card charges reimbursed via employee's private bank account
We can apply this process variant when employees use a personal corporate credit cards with employee liability. Then he/she receives the credit card bill for their own travel expenses and pays bill to credit card bank using his/her own personal bank account and then company reimburse the approved travel expenses to the employee.
Example: An employee spent 425 USD for air fare (for official travel expense) and also 125 USD for private expense using personal corporate credit card.
The employee will delete the private expenses from the credit card receipt while assigning the credit card expenses to trip. The employee then pays the total expenses 550 USD to the credit card company.
Expense Employee vendor Credit card vendor
425 USD 425 USD 0 USD
125 USD
Process variant 2: Settlement of credit card charges reimbursed via employee's private bank account and/or settlement using central corporate account for approved travel expenses
We can apply this process variant when employees use personal corporate credit cards with employee liability, where employee receives the invoice from the credit card company and company pays the approved travel expenses directly to the credit card company. The employee will pay only any remaining private expenses directly to the credit card company, if any.
Example: An employee spent 425 USD for air fare (for official travel expense) ,125 USD for private expense using personal corporate credit card and 75 USD for taxi in Cash(from his/her pocket).
The employee will reimburse the taxi fare 75 USD from company. The employee will delete the private expenses (125 USD) from the credit card receipt while assigning the credit card expenses to trip. The company pays the approved travel expenses (425 USD) directly to the credit card company and employee pay the private expenses 125 USD to the credit card company.
Expense Employee vendor Credit card vendor
425 USD 75 USD 425 USD
125 USD
75 USD
Process variant 3: Settlement of credit card for personal corporate credit card reimbursed via a central company bank account
We can apply this process variant when employees pay his/her travel expenses using a personal corporate credit card, for which the company receives and pays the bill.
Example: An employee spent 425 USD for air fare (for official travel expense) ,125 USD for private expense using personal corporate credit card.
Expense Employee vendor Credit card vendor
425 USD 125 USD 550 USD
125 USD
Process variant 4: Settlement of credit card charges using a central corporate credit card reimbursed via a central company bank account.
We can apply this process variant when a travel agent books travel expense of employees using central travel center credit card for which the company receives and pays the bill.
Configuration steps of Credit Card Clearing (CCC) process in Travel Management.
1. Set Up Feature TRVPA for Travel Expenses Parameters
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control--> Travel Expenses Control--> Set Up Feature TRVPA for Travel Expenses Parameters
Value of CCC should be set to 1.
2. Define Credit Card Companies
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Credit Card Clearing--> Define Credit Card Companies
Enter Credit Card Company ID, Credit Card Company name.
For ex, AX for American Express
VI for Visa International
3. Define Assignment table for Credit Card Clearing
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Credit Card Clearing--> Define Assignment table for Credit Card Clearing.
In this step following fields must be maintained for assignment.
Trip provision variant
Choose the trip provision variant for which you want to create an assignment.
Credit card Company
For ex, AX for American Express
VI for Visa International
Credit card transaction key
The transaction key are defined by credit card companies for distinguish the various transaction types.
For ex, HOTEL for any kind of transactions in hotel.
AIRFARE for any kind of transactions related for air fare.
Paid by company
This parameter is to differentiate transactions carried out with corporate card /company issued card from transactions carried with the employee's card.
Assign the credit card transactions to the expense types.
a.Assign the credit card transactions to the expense types.
b.How the credit card transactions can be further processed
Four specifications are available for further processing
10- Store transaction in document pool.( SAP recommends option for further processing).
20,30 & 40- Applicable If a trip exists for the employee at the time when the transaction is imported.
Change option for Expense types
It is for characteristics TRVPA-CCC=3.
4. Settings for Specific File Formats of Credit Card Companies
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses--> Master Data --> Credit Card Clearing --> Settings for Specific File Formats of Credit Card Companies
How to create employee vendor?
Steps to create a vendor for an employee:
Vendor account is required in FI for an employee to receive business trip costs. The interface between HR & FI enables you to transfer HR master data to the FI system. After the HR data has been transferred to FI , a program runs in the FI system that creates HR data to create the vendor accounts. Once vendor accounts have been created, the FI system can pay the trip expenses to the employee.
Link between personnel number and Vendor master.
There is a standard program under Travel Management to create vendor for a personnel number.
T code is PRAA : Automatic Vendor Maintenance
RPRAPA00 is a program to update HR master data vendor to process payment and update detail in FI Module.
When create vendors through PRAA, it automatically links the employee to the vendor master & create a vendor for each employee.
1.Go to T code PRAA
2.Enter pers no:
3.Select update option under maintenance mode
4.Give reference vendor & file name
5.Process mode :Run as background job
6.Name of the job is A/P_Accounts
7.Name of batch input session is A/P_Accounts
The program for the job A/P_ACCOUNTS is RFBIKR00.
8.Execute. It creates a session ( Name of session will be A/P_ACCOUNTS).
The result screen will appear.
9. Go to Transaction SE38.
Execute the program RFBIKR00
On the selection give the file path name which should be same as entered in transaction PRAA.
The result screen will appear.
10.In T code SM35 see the session.
Select the session(A/P_ACCOUNTS) & click on process button.
Select process mode as Background. Click on process.
Employee vendor has been created.
11. Go to SE16 Transaction
Enter the table name as LFB1
Enter personnel no:
The result screen will appear with employee vendor no: created for an employee.
We can use this employee Vendor account in FI for FI posting.
Transaction codes in SAP credit card clearing process
Following are transaction codes in SAP credit card clearing(CCC) process
PRCC - Import Credit Card Files
PRCCD - Display Credit Card Receipts
PRTC - Display Imported Documents
PRCCE - Process Incorrect Transactions
PRCCF - Generate File with Corrected Transactions
Reports in Travel Management module
The followings are the standard reports in Travel Management module
A.Trip Statistics
S_AHR_61016401 - General Trip Data/Trip Totals
S_AHR_61016402 - Trip Receipts
S_AHR_61016403 - Trip Receipts Without General Trip Data
S_AHR_61016404 - Cost Assignment for Trip
S_AHR_61016405 - General Trip Data/Totals/Receipts/Costs
S_AHR_61016406 - Who is Where? Search for Trip Destinations
S_AHR_61016407 - Find Documents Using Maximum Rate
S_AHR_61016408 - Travel Expense Reporting by Period
S_AHR_61016409 - Income-Related Expenses Statement
S_AHR_61016410 - Input Tax Recovery
S_AHR_61016411 - Determination of Employees with Exceeded Trip Days
S_AHR_61018613 - Cost Assignment Trip Without General Trip Data
B.Travel Planning
B.1.Flight Reports
S_AHR_61016279 - Hierarchical Overview of Flights by Airline
S_AHR_61016280 - Overview of Flights by Airline
S_AHR_61016281 - Overview of Flights by Location
S_AHR_61016282 - Ticket Information for Flights
S_AHR_61000623 - Airfare Rates
S_AHR_61000645 - Airfare Discounts
S_AHR_61006686 - Define Trip Rules – Flight
S_AHR_61000601 - Define Class Rules – Flight
S_AHR_61000596 - Specify Attributes for Trip Rules – Flight
B.2.Hotel Reports
S_AHR_61016283 - Business Volume with Hotel Chains, Hierarchical
S_AHR_61016284 - Business Volume with Hotel Chains
S_AHR_61016285 - Business Volume by Hotel Location
S_AHR_61000889 - Hotel Catalog
S_AHR_61000628 - Hotel Rates
S_AHR_61000633 - Rates for Catalog Hotels
S_AHR_61000608 - Define Trip Rules – Hotel
S_AHR_61000677 - Define Class Rules – Hotel
S_AHR_61000649 - Specify Attributes for Trip Rules – Hotel
B.3.Car Rental
S_AHR_61016286 - Business Volume with Car Rental Companies
S_AHR_61016287 - Business Volume by Rental Location
S_AHR_61006700 - Car Rental Rates
S_AHR_61000681 - Define Trip Rules - Car Rental
S_AHR_61000683 - Specify Attributes for Trip Rules - Car Rental
S_AHR_61000685 - Define Class Rules - Car Rental
S_AHR_61000687 - Specify Attributes for Class Rules - Car Rental
S_PEN_05000095 - Overview of Rail Connections by City
S_P7H_77000087 - Price Information for Rail Connections
S_ALN_01000812 - Define Class Rules – Rail
S_ALN_01000813 - Specify Attributes for Class Rules - Rail
Travel Management
SAP Travel Management is an integrated solution to handle employees trips in an organization. It provides integrated functions such as trip planning,trip creation, trip approval ,trip settlement , settlement of travel expenses & expense reimbursement etc.
SAP Travel Management is integrated with two important SAP module Financials (SAP FICO) and SAP Human Capital Management (SAP HCM).
Travel Management has three main sections
1.Travel Request
2.Travel Planning
3.Travel Expenses
HR Master Data for Travel Planning
Create/Hire an employee in an organisation for the travel management. The employee related master data is stored in infotypes.
Transaction Code to hire an employee is PA40.
Following are important infotyes in Travel Management
Mandatory Infotypes
Infotype Infotype Name
0001 Organizational assignment
0002 Personal data
0017 Travel Privileges
0006 Addresses
Optional Infotypes
Infotype Infotype Name
0009 Bank details
0027 Cost Distribution
0471 Flight preference
0472 Hotel preference
0473 Car rental preference
0475 Customer program
0470 Travel profile
0105 Communication
0208 Work Tax area
0315 Time Sheet Defaults
Travel Management Process Flow
1. Travel Request
Business needs to a trip for meeting/discussion/presentation/auditing etc.Raise a travel request ,
which requires approval by manager. The manager can approve the request, send it back for
corrections or reject it.
2. Travel Planning
After a travel request has been approved by manager, the traveler decide on flight ,car, hotel etc .
3. Book a trip
Create a trip using PR05 transaction from SAP or any other mobile applications or desktop
4. Travel Settlement
The system settles the trips.
5. Travel Expenses
After the trip is over, the traveler completes and submit all necessary data and documents such as
trip receipts for accommodation, meals, air fare
Approve & release for settlement
Reimbursement of trips by check, bank transfer, payroll processing .
Vendor Master data for Travel Management
Create vendor master data for the employee through XK01.
Vendor account is required in FI for an employee to receive business trip costs. The interface between HR & FI enables you to transfer HR master data to the FI system. After the HR data has been transferred to FI , a program runs in the FI system that creates HR data to create the vendor accounts. Once vendor accounts have been created, the FI system can pay the trip expenses to the employee.
Link between personnel number and Vendor master.
There is a standard program under Travel Management to create vendor for a personnel number. T code is PRAA.
RPRAPA00 is a program to update HR master data vendor to process payment and update detail in FI Module.
Vendor creation via PRAA
When create vendors through PRAA, it automatically links the employee to the vendor master & create a vendor for each employee.
PR00 - Travel expenses
PR10 - Create trip number range
PR05 - Travel Expense Manager
TRIP - Travel Manager
PREC - Travel Expenses Accounting Program
PR02 - Travel Calendar
TP04 - Travel Request
PRTA - Overview of Travel Expense Reports
PRRW - Post Accounting Data FI
PRFI - Posting to Financial Accounting
PRAP - Approval of Trips
PRAA -Create Vendors
PRTE -Trip details
PRTC - Display Imported Documents
PRRL - Reset Trips to 'To be Accounted'
PTRV_PAYMENT_HISTORY - Determine FI Payment Date
S_AHR_61016401 - General Trip Data
S_AHR_61016402 - Trip Receipts
S_AHR_61016403 - Trip Receipts Without General Trip Data
S_AHR_61016404 - Cost Assignment for Trip
S_AHR_61018613 - Cost Assignment for Trip Without General Data
S_AHR_61016405 - Trip Data/Totals/Receipts/Costs
Tables in Travel Management
PTRV_ADMIN Travel Management: Administrative Data
PTRV_APPL_KEY Application
PTRV_APPL_KEY_TX Application text
PTRV_ARCH_HEAD Prearchiving FI-TV: Entries from PTRV_HEAD
PTRV_ARCH_PERIO Prearchiving FI-TV: Entries from PTRV_PERI
PTRV_ARCHIVE Administrative Table for Archived Trip Dat
PTRV_CCC Error Receipts for Credit Card Clearing
PTRV_CCC_RUNS Assign Personnel Number to Credit Card Cle
PTRV_COMM_AMT Detail Data: Transfer to FM When Trip Save
PTRV_COMM_ITM Header Data: Transfer to FM When Trip Save
PTRV_COMP Comparison Calculation Results PS
PTRV_COUNT Number of function calls in posting run ma
PTRV_DOC_HD Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Header of TRV in
PTRV_DOC_IT Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: Lines of TRV int
PTRV_DOC_MESS Transfer Travel -> FI/CO: CO Replacements
PTRV_F_COLDEPS Display Formats for Texts
PTRV_F_FBLK Form Blocks of the Trip Costs Form
PTRV_F_FBLK_TXT Form Blocks of the Trip Costs Form
PTRV_F_SORTKEY Sort Key for Individual Receipt Block
PTRV_F_SORTKEY_T Sort Key for Individual Receipt Block
PTRV_HEAD General Trip Data
PTRV_KMSUM Table for Use of Miles/Kms Accumulation
PTRV_ME_CCC_RUN Assign Personnel Number to Credit Card
PTRV_OFFLINE_TXT Texts for Download to Offline Creation
PTRV_PERIO Period Data of a Trip
PTRV_PERNRPREFS Personalization at Employee Level
PTRV_REASGN_FM Conversion of FM Data in Trip
PTRV_REDUCTION Decision Fields: Change of Statutory Tr
PTRV_ROT_AWKEY Assignment of Trip Results to Posting D
PTRV_RPRPOSTD Log of Posting Program RPRPOST
PTRV_SADD Trip Statistics - Add. Receipt Data
PTRV_SCOS Trip Statistics - Cost Assignment
PTRV_SHDR Trip Statistics - Trip Amounts
PTRV_SREC Trip Statistics - Receipts
PTRV_SUBSTITUTE ESA Fast Track - Expense Reporter Substitute
PTRV_T706Z_DNPR Field Control Screens
PTRV_T706Z_DNPRT Field Control Screens
PTRV_T706Z_FLDS Field Names for Field Control
PTRV_TRIP_CHAIN Table of all Trip Destinations
PTRV_TRIP_DELETE Trips Deleted in SAP System for Offline
PTRV_USERPREFS User Profiles in Travel Management
PTRV_WAF_CONFLCT Offline Travel Management: Conflict Process
PTRV_WAF_FSEL Code Conversion: Screen Field Name
PTRV_WAF_RESTART Restart File for Mobile Solution with Over
PTRV_WAFGUID Logging for Synchronization GUID
PTRV_WAFLOG Log File for Inbound Container in Travel M
PTRV_WAFLOG_CC Offline Log File - Settings
FTPT_REQ_HEAD Framework Data of Travel Request
FTPT_REQUEST General Trip Data - Item Level Details
CSKS Cost center table
Sap Travel Management Configuration steps.
Master data for Travel Management
1.Hire Employee for Travel
Transaction Code :PA40
2.Create Vendor for Travel
IMG Menu --> Accounting--> Financial Accounting --> Vendors -->Master Records --> Central Maintenance -->Create
Transaction Code :XK01 or PRAA
A. General settings
3. Number Ranges for Trip Numbers
Define number ranges and number range intervals for assigning trip numbers.
IMG Menu -> Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Set Up Trip Number Range
4. Number Ranges for Posting Runs
The number ranges can be the interval from 0000000001 to 9999999999
IMG Menu -> Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Transfer to Accounting --> Set Up Number Ranges for Posting Runs
5. Number Ranges for Trip Transfer Documents
IMG Menu -> Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Transfer to Accounting --> Set Up Number Ranges for Trip Transfer Document
B. Travel Management Pre settings
6.Define/Delete/Restore Trip Provision Variants
Financial Accounting(New) -->Travel Management -->Travel Expenses -->Master Data -->Control Parameters for Travel Expenses -->Define/Delete/Restore Trip Provision Variants
C. Settings up feature TRVCT
Financial Accounting(New) -->Travel Management -->Travel Expenses -->Master Data -->Control Parameters for Travel Expenses -->Assign Organizational Areas to Trip Provision Variants via Feature TRVCT
D. Global Settings
7. Define Global Settings
IMG Menu -> Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Define Global Setting
E.Control Parameters from Travel Privileges
8.Define Statutory M/A Reimbursement Groups
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Travel Privileges --> Define Statutory M/A Reimbursement Groups
9.Define Enterprise-Specific M/A Reimbursement Groups
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Travel Privileges --> Define Enterprise-Specific M/A Reimbursement Groups
10.Define Employee Grouping for Travel Expense Types
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Travel Privileges --> Define Employee Grouping for Travel Expense Types
11.Define Employee Grouping for Travel Management
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Travel Privileges --> Define Employee Grouping for Travel Management
12.Define Vehicle Types
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Travel Privileges --> Define Vehicle Types
13.Define Reimbursement Groups for Travel Costs
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Travel Privileges --> Define Reimbursement Groups for Travel Costs
14.Define Vehicle Classes
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Travel Privileges --> Define Vehicle
F. Control Parameters from Trip Data
15.Define Trip Areas
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Trip Data --> Define Trip Areas
16.Define Statutory Trip Types
IMG-->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Trip Data --> Define Statutory Trip Ty
17.Define Enterprise Specific Trip Types
IMG Menu --> Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Trip Data --> Define Enterprise Specific Trip Types
18.Define Trip Activity Type
IMG Menu - Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Control Parameters for Travel Expenses --> Control Parameters from Trip Data --> Define Trip Activity Types
G. Travel Expense Types
19. Travel Expense Types for Individual Receipts
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Travel Expense Types --> Create Travel Expense Types for Individual Receipts
20. Define Posting of Paid Individual Receipts
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control --> Travel Expenses Control --> Define Posting of Paid Individual Receipts
21.Create Travel Expense Types for Per Diems/Flat Rates
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting--> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Travel Expense Types --> Create Travel Expense Types for Per Diems/Flat Rates
H. Trip Reimbursement Amounts
22.Define Flat Rates for Travel Costs
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Trip Reimbursement Amounts --> Reimbursement Amounts Travel Costs --> Define Flat Rates for Travel Costs
23.Define Period Parameters
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Trip Reimbursement Amounts --> Reimbursement Amounts Travel Costs --> Miles/Km Cumulation --> Define Period Parameters
24.Influence of Control Parameters: Accommodation
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Trip Reimbursement Amounts --> Reimbursement Amounts for Accommodations--> Define Influence of Control Parameters: Accommodation
25.Influence of Control Parameters: Meals
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Trip Reimbursement Amounts --> Reimbursement Amounts for Meals--> Define Influence of Control Parameters: Meals
26.Define Per Diems for Meals
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Trip Reimbursement Amounts --> Reimbursement Amounts for Meals--> Reimbursement Amounts for Meals/Hours --> Per Diems for Meals --> Define Per Diems for Meals
I.Dialog Control
27.Define Schema and Individual Field Control
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control --> Dialog Control --> Define Schema and Individual Field Control
28.Default Values for the Dialog
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control --> Dialog Control --> Store Default Values for Dialog
J.Control for Account Assignment Object via TRVCO
29.Set Up Field Control for Account Assignment Object via TRVCO
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control --> Dialog Control --> Set Up Field Control for Account Assignment Object via TRVCO
30.Variable Layout for Account Assignment Objects
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control ->Dialog Control --> Set Up Variable Layout for Account Assignment Objects
K.Travel Expense Control
31. Define Posting of Paid Individual Receipts
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control --> Travel Expenses Control --> Define Posting of Paid Individual Receipts
32.Travel Expenses Control
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control --> Travel Expenses Control --> Travel Expenses Control (Expert View)
L. Accounting/Assignment of Wage Types to Travel Expense Types
33. Assign Wage Types to Travel Expense Types for Indiv. Receipt
IMG Menu -->IMG Menu - Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Integration of Travel Management and Payroll --> Wage Types --> Assign Wage Types to Travel Expense Types for Indiv. Receipts
34.Assign Wage Types to Travel Expense Types for Per Diems/Flat Rates
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting(New) --> Travel Management --> Integration of Travel Management and Payroll --> Wage Types --> Assign Wage Types to Travel Expense Types for Per Diems / Flat Rates
35.Assignment of Wage Type to Symbolic Account
IMG Menu - Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Integration of Travel Management and Payroll --> Wage Types --> Define Assignment of Wage Type to Symbolic Account
M.Transfer to Accounting
36. Conversion of Symbolic Account to Expense Account
IMG Menu - Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Transfer to Accounting --> Conversion of Symbolic Account to Expense Account
37. Assign Substitute Cost Center – (Infotype 0017)
IMG Menu - Payroll --> Payroll Germany --> Posting to Accounting --> Activities in AC System --> Assign Substitute Cost Centers
38. Activate Request/Plan/Expense Report in Travel Manager
IMG Menu - Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Integration of Travel Planning and Travel Expenses --> Settings for Travel Manager --> Activate Request/Plan/Expense Report in Travel Manager for web Dynprp
39. Deactivate Integration of Travel Planning - Travel Expenses
IMG Menu - Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Integration of Travel Planning and Travel Expenses --> Activate Integration: Travel Planning - Travel Expenses
Credit card process in SAP Travel Management
Credit card clearing process
Credit card clearing is a process for adding credit card receipts in trips and transferring to Travel Expense Accounting.
Three types of credit cards can be used:
1. Personal Corporate Credit Card with Employee Liability
2. Personal Corporate Credit Card with Corporate Liability
3. Corporate Credit Card with Corporate Liability
Prerequisites for Credit card clearing in Travel Management
Travel Management Customizing:
1. Activate characteristic Credit Card Clearing (CCC) for the relevant organizational unit in feature TRVPA.
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control--> Travel Expenses Control--> Set Up Feature TRVPA for Travel Expenses Parameters
Value of CCC should be set to 1.
2.Define Credit Card Companies
3.Define Assignment table for Credit Card Clearing
4.Settings for Specific File Formats of Credit Card Companies
HR Master Data
Maintain the credit card number of the employees credit card in Infotype 0105 (Communication), subtype 0011 (Credit card number).
Credit card process in SAP Travel Management
Credit card clearing process
Credit card clearing is a process for adding credit card receipts in trips and transferring to Travel Expense Accounting.
Three types of credit cards can be used:
1. Personal Corporate Credit Card with Employee Liability
2. Personal Corporate Credit Card with Corporate Liability
3. Corporate Credit Card with Corporate Liability
Prerequisites for Credit card clearing in Travel Management
Travel Management Customizing:
1. Activate characteristic Credit Card Clearing (CCC) for the relevant organizational unit in feature TRVPA.
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control--> Travel Expenses Control--> Set Up Feature TRVPA for Travel Expenses Parameters
Value of CCC should be set to 1.
2.Define Credit Card Companies
3.Define Assignment table for Credit Card Clearing
4.Settings for Specific File Formats of Credit Card Companies
HR Master Data
Maintain the credit card number of the employees credit card in Infotype 0105 (Communication), subtype 0011 (Credit card number).
Credit Card Transactions Process
Credit card transactions includes mainly two following process
Transfer of credit card transactions to Travel Management
Assignment of credit card transactions to a trip of an employee
Credit card file is provided by banks in a standard format accepted by SAP. The credit card company must provide the credit card files in one of the following formats:
· File format CCD
· File format MasterCard CDF 3 from MasterCard
· File format VISA VCF 4 from Visa
· File format AMEX GL1025 from American Express
Two credit card processing options are
1.Semi-automatic processing/standard processing
In standard processing, employee have to assign the credit card transactions to his/her trips manually and save the trip.
2.Automatic processing
In automatic processing, system assigns credit card transactions to trips and saves the trip.
Process variants in credit card clearing
Process variants in credit card clearing are as follows
Process variant 1: Settlement of credit card charges reimbursed via employee's private bank account
We can apply this process variant when employees use a personal corporate credit cards with employee liability. Then he/she receives the credit card bill for their own travel expenses and pays bill to credit card bank using his/her own personal bank account and then company reimburse the approved travel expenses to the employee.
Example: An employee spent 425 USD for air fare (for official travel expense) and also 125 USD for private expense using personal corporate credit card.
The employee will delete the private expenses from the credit card receipt while assigning the credit card expenses to trip. The employee then pays the total expenses 550 USD to the credit card company.
Expense Employee vendor Credit card vendor
425 USD 425 USD 0 USD
125 USD
Process variant 2: Settlement of credit card charges reimbursed via employee's private bank account and/or settlement using central corporate account for approved travel expenses
We can apply this process variant when employees use personal corporate credit cards with employee liability, where employee receives the invoice from the credit card company and company pays the approved travel expenses directly to the credit card company. The employee will pay only any remaining private expenses directly to the credit card company, if any.
Example: An employee spent 425 USD for air fare (for official travel expense) ,125 USD for private expense using personal corporate credit card and 75 USD for taxi in Cash(from his/her pocket).
The employee will reimburse the taxi fare 75 USD from company. The employee will delete the private expenses (125 USD) from the credit card receipt while assigning the credit card expenses to trip. The company pays the approved travel expenses (425 USD) directly to the credit card company and employee pay the private expenses 125 USD to the credit card company.
Expense Employee vendor Credit card vendor
425 USD 75 USD 425 USD
125 USD
75 USD
Process variant 3: Settlement of credit card for personal corporate credit card reimbursed via a central company bank account
We can apply this process variant when employees pay his/her travel expenses using a personal corporate credit card, for which the company receives and pays the bill.
Example: An employee spent 425 USD for air fare (for official travel expense) ,125 USD for private expense using personal corporate credit card.
Expense Employee vendor Credit card vendor
425 USD 125 USD 550 USD
125 USD
Process variant 4: Settlement of credit card charges using a central corporate credit card reimbursed via a central company bank account.
We can apply this process variant when a travel agent books travel expense of employees using central travel center credit card for which the company receives and pays the bill.
Configuration steps of Credit Card Clearing (CCC) process in Travel Management.
1. Set Up Feature TRVPA for Travel Expenses Parameters
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Dialog and Travel Expenses Control--> Travel Expenses Control--> Set Up Feature TRVPA for Travel Expenses Parameters
Value of CCC should be set to 1.
2. Define Credit Card Companies
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Credit Card Clearing--> Define Credit Card Companies
Enter Credit Card Company ID, Credit Card Company name.
For ex, AX for American Express
VI for Visa International
3. Define Assignment table for Credit Card Clearing
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses --> Master Data --> Credit Card Clearing--> Define Assignment table for Credit Card Clearing.
In this step following fields must be maintained for assignment.
Trip provision variant
Choose the trip provision variant for which you want to create an assignment.
Credit card Company
For ex, AX for American Express
VI for Visa International
Credit card transaction key
The transaction key are defined by credit card companies for distinguish the various transaction types.
For ex, HOTEL for any kind of transactions in hotel.
AIRFARE for any kind of transactions related for air fare.
Paid by company
This parameter is to differentiate transactions carried out with corporate card /company issued card from transactions carried with the employee's card.
Assign the credit card transactions to the expense types.
a.Assign the credit card transactions to the expense types.
b.How the credit card transactions can be further processed
Four specifications are available for further processing
10- Store transaction in document pool.( SAP recommends option for further processing).
20,30 & 40- Applicable If a trip exists for the employee at the time when the transaction is imported.
Change option for Expense types
It is for characteristics TRVPA-CCC=3.
4. Settings for Specific File Formats of Credit Card Companies
IMG Menu -->Financial Accounting --> Travel Management --> Travel Expenses--> Master Data --> Credit Card Clearing --> Settings for Specific File Formats of Credit Card Companies
How to create employee vendor?
Steps to create a vendor for an employee:
Vendor account is required in FI for an employee to receive business trip costs. The interface between HR & FI enables you to transfer HR master data to the FI system. After the HR data has been transferred to FI , a program runs in the FI system that creates HR data to create the vendor accounts. Once vendor accounts have been created, the FI system can pay the trip expenses to the employee.
Link between personnel number and Vendor master.
There is a standard program under Travel Management to create vendor for a personnel number.
T code is PRAA : Automatic Vendor Maintenance
RPRAPA00 is a program to update HR master data vendor to process payment and update detail in FI Module.
When create vendors through PRAA, it automatically links the employee to the vendor master & create a vendor for each employee.
1.Go to T code PRAA
2.Enter pers no:
3.Select update option under maintenance mode
4.Give reference vendor & file name
5.Process mode :Run as background job
6.Name of the job is A/P_Accounts
7.Name of batch input session is A/P_Accounts
The program for the job A/P_ACCOUNTS is RFBIKR00.
8.Execute. It creates a session ( Name of session will be A/P_ACCOUNTS).
The result screen will appear.
9. Go to Transaction SE38.
Execute the program RFBIKR00
On the selection give the file path name which should be same as entered in transaction PRAA.
The result screen will appear.
10.In T code SM35 see the session.
Select the session(A/P_ACCOUNTS) & click on process button.
Select process mode as Background. Click on process.
Employee vendor has been created.
11. Go to SE16 Transaction
Enter the table name as LFB1
Enter personnel no:
The result screen will appear with employee vendor no: created for an employee.
We can use this employee Vendor account in FI for FI posting.
Transaction codes in SAP credit card clearing process
Following are transaction codes in SAP credit card clearing(CCC) process
PRCC - Import Credit Card Files
PRCCD - Display Credit Card Receipts
PRTC - Display Imported Documents
PRCCE - Process Incorrect Transactions
PRCCF - Generate File with Corrected Transactions
Reports in Travel Management module
The followings are the standard reports in Travel Management module
A.Trip Statistics
S_AHR_61016401 - General Trip Data/Trip Totals
S_AHR_61016402 - Trip Receipts
S_AHR_61016403 - Trip Receipts Without General Trip Data
S_AHR_61016404 - Cost Assignment for Trip
S_AHR_61016405 - General Trip Data/Totals/Receipts/Costs
S_AHR_61016406 - Who is Where? Search for Trip Destinations
S_AHR_61016407 - Find Documents Using Maximum Rate
S_AHR_61016408 - Travel Expense Reporting by Period
S_AHR_61016409 - Income-Related Expenses Statement
S_AHR_61016410 - Input Tax Recovery
S_AHR_61016411 - Determination of Employees with Exceeded Trip Days
S_AHR_61018613 - Cost Assignment Trip Without General Trip Data
B.Travel Planning
B.1.Flight Reports
S_AHR_61016279 - Hierarchical Overview of Flights by Airline
S_AHR_61016280 - Overview of Flights by Airline
S_AHR_61016281 - Overview of Flights by Location
S_AHR_61016282 - Ticket Information for Flights
S_AHR_61000623 - Airfare Rates
S_AHR_61000645 - Airfare Discounts
S_AHR_61006686 - Define Trip Rules – Flight
S_AHR_61000601 - Define Class Rules – Flight
S_AHR_61000596 - Specify Attributes for Trip Rules – Flight
B.2.Hotel Reports
S_AHR_61016283 - Business Volume with Hotel Chains, Hierarchical
S_AHR_61016284 - Business Volume with Hotel Chains
S_AHR_61016285 - Business Volume by Hotel Location
S_AHR_61000889 - Hotel Catalog
S_AHR_61000628 - Hotel Rates
S_AHR_61000633 - Rates for Catalog Hotels
S_AHR_61000608 - Define Trip Rules – Hotel
S_AHR_61000677 - Define Class Rules – Hotel
S_AHR_61000649 - Specify Attributes for Trip Rules – Hotel
B.3.Car Rental
S_AHR_61016286 - Business Volume with Car Rental Companies
S_AHR_61016287 - Business Volume by Rental Location
S_AHR_61006700 - Car Rental Rates
S_AHR_61000681 - Define Trip Rules - Car Rental
S_AHR_61000683 - Specify Attributes for Trip Rules - Car Rental
S_AHR_61000685 - Define Class Rules - Car Rental
S_AHR_61000687 - Specify Attributes for Class Rules - Car Rental
S_PEN_05000095 - Overview of Rail Connections by City
S_P7H_77000087 - Price Information for Rail Connections
S_ALN_01000812 - Define Class Rules – Rail
S_ALN_01000813 - Specify Attributes for Class Rules - Rail
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